主讲人:Cédric Villani
里昂大学(Lyon University)教授
题目:Of Stars, Particles and Eternity
摘要:What will happen, in one million years, to the planets in the solar system? And in one billion years? This topic inspired some of the brightest mathematicians and physicists in the past centuries; entire chapters of the history of sciences emerged from there. If we are beginning to understand the fate of the solar system, such is not yet the case for our good old galaxy; this problem might be related to the famous and mysterious Landau damping in plasma physics. It will be the opportunity to talk about the mathematical core of the nonlinear Landau damping and stability of plasmas, as well as recent developments in fluid mechanics. Confinement, regularity and mixing will come again and again, illustrating the profound unity of mathematics.
Cédric Villani教授1998年博士毕业于巴黎九大(Paris Dauphine University) ,师从1994年Fields奖获得者Pierre-Louis Lions教授,于2000年任洛桑联邦理工学院(École normale supérieure de Lyon)教授职位,现任里昂大学(Lyon University)教授、巴黎 Institut Henri Poincaré 主任。主要研究方向为偏微分方程,特别是Boltzmann 方程。曾获法国科学院的路易斯阿尔芒奖(Louis Armand Prize)、Jacques Herbrand Prize奖项、欧洲数学学会奖(Prize of the European Mathematical Society)、费尔马奖(Fermat Prize)、亨利·庞加莱奖(Henri Poincaré Prize)等,2006年国际数学家大会邀请报告人,并于2010年获得菲尔茨奖(Fields Medal)。