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学术报告:Symmetry and symmetry breaking results for nonlinear eigenvalue problems

报 告 人:Researcher Francesco Della Pietra

          Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni \R. Caccioppoli"

          Universit_a degli studi di Napoli Federico II

报告题目:Symmetry and symmetry breaking results for nonlinear eigenvalue problems




In this talk I will present some symmetry results for the solutions of classes of Dirichlet eigenvalue problems for elliptic operators in which a nonlinear nonlocal term appears. The problems I will deal with are related to eigenvalue problems in which a Dirichlet condition and a mean value constraint are given. The aim of the talk will be also to present some results on symmetry breaking phenomena that may occur. The results I will present are based on a joint work with G. Piscitelli, and with B. Brandolini, C. Nitsch and C. Trombetti.

