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学术报告:Affine quantum Schur--Weyl duality and BLM realization of quantum affine $\frak{gl}_n$



报告题目:Affine quantum Schur--Weyl duality and BLM realization of quantum affine $\frak{gl}_n$




摘要: Quantum Schur--Weyl duality is a certain double centralizer property associated with some bimodules of quantum $\frak{gl}_n$ and the Hecke algebra (of type $A$)---the tensor spaces of the natural representation of quantum $\frak{gl}_n$. This is the quantum version of the well-known Schur--Weyl duality which was beautifully used in H. Weyl's influential book.

In the seminal work, Beilinson--Lusztig--MacPherson gave a beautiful realization for quantum $\frak {gl}_n$ via a geometric setting of quantum Schur algebras.

This remarkable work has important applications to the investigation of integral quantum Schur--Weyl reciprocity. We will talk about affine quantum Schur--Weyl duality, BLM realization of quantum affine $\frak{gl}_n$ and its application. This talk is based on joint works with Bangming Deng

and Jie Du.
