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学术报告:The positive energy theorem for asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds



报告题目:The positive energy theorem for asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds



摘要:In general relativity, asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds serve as the initial data sets in two cases: 

(i)     asymptotically null infinity for asymptotically flat spacetimes where the cosmological constant is zero;

(ii)    asymptotically spatial infinity for asymptotically AdS spacetimes where the cosmological constant is negative.

The difference is that, in case (i), the second fundamental forms are asymptotic to hyperbolic metrics while in case (ii), the second fundamental forms are asymptotic to zero. We will discuss the positive energy theorem in the two 

cases. The talk is based on the early work of the speaker as well as the joint work with Wang Yuahua and Xie Naqing. 

个人简介:张晓,中科院数学与系统科学研究所研究员,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。1996年获得香港中文大学博士学位。主要研究领域涉及微分几何,广义相对论,非交换几何。在广义相对论中对正质量猜想相关问题有重要深入的研究,与合作者一起发展非交换几何理论并以此探究时空量子化理论,研究Dirac 算子特征值问题。在Comm. Math. Phys., J. Math. Phys., Classical Quant. Grav. 等等国际著名期刊发表学术论文四十余篇。

