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学术报告:From the isoperimetric inequality to Integral inequalities for harmonic functions and holomorphic functions

告人:Xiaodong Wang教授

             Michigan State University

题目:From the isoperimetric inequality to Integral inequalities for harmonic functions and holomorphic functions



摘要There are many proofs for the classic isoperimetric inequality. Carleman's proof reduces it to an interesting integral inequality for analytic functions on the unit disc in the plane. As natural generalizations I will discuss some integral inequalities for harmonic functions in higher dimensions. This is based on joint work with Fengbo Hang and Xiaodong Yan. I will also talk about some more recent developments and related inequalities for holomorphic functions in several complex variables if time allows.

报告人简介:Xiaodong Wang,Michigan State University教授。2001年于美国Stanford大学获得博士学位。他在几何分析的多个分支,包括渐近双曲流形、共形几何、复几何等取得诸多研究成果。他的论文发表在Invent. Math., Comm. Pure. Appl. Math., Journal of Differential Geometry等一流数学期刊。

