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学术报告:The stability of contact lines in fluids

报告人: Associate Professor Ian Tice

Carnegie Mellon University

题目:The stability of contact lines in fluids



摘要:The contact line problem in interfacial fluid mechanics concerns the triple-junction between a fluid, a solid, and a vapor phase. Although the equilibrium configurations of contact lines have been well-understood since the work of Young, Laplace, and Gauss, the understanding of contact line dynamics remains incomplete and is a source of work in experimentation, modeling, and mathematical analysis. In this talk we consider a 2D model of contact point (the 2D analog of a contact line) dynamics for an incompressible, viscous, Stokes fluid evolving in an open-top vessel in a gravitational field. The model allows for fully dynamic contact angles and points. We show that small perturbations of the equilibrium configuration give rise to global-in-time solutions that decay to equilibrium exponentially fast. This is joint work with Yan Guo.

报告人简介:Ian Tice is now an Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. Ph.D. (Courant Institute, New York University, 2003-2008), Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Brown University, 2008-2011; Universit ́e Paris-Est Cr ́eteil, Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Math ́ematiques Appliqu ́ees, 2011-2012). His research interests include nonlinear partial differential equations, fluid mechanics, variational methods, free boundary problems, statics and dynamics of vortices in the Ginzburg-Landau model of superconductivity. His works has been published in top journals such as CPAM, CMP, ARMA.


