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学术报告:Valuation of Risk-Based Premium of DB Pension Plan with Terminations



报告题目:Valuation of Risk-Based Premium of DB Pension Plan with Terminations



报告摘要This paper concentrates on the premium valuation of pension insurance provided by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC). Such an insurance instrument allows a defined benefit pension sponsor to receive protection from the PBGC in case that the pension fund fails to make pension payments as promised or that the plan sponsor does not stay in business any more. In practice, both pension fund and sponsor assets play critical role in terms of pension payment, and it is not reasonable to isolate the risk of distress termination of sponsor assets from that of premature termination of pension fund. Different from previous works in which premature termination of pension fund and distress termination of sponsor assets are analyzed separately, our model examines the situation in which retirees suffer the two risks of termination at the same time. We evaluate the risk-based fair premium under the framework that pension fund and sponsor assets are correlated and subject to the risk of involuntary termination and distress termination, respectively, and we manage to obtain closed-form pricing formulas. Our model is more practical because of realistic design of termination schemes. Numerical simulations are also carried out to demonstrate our findings. Our numerical experiments validate that variable rate premium is a more appropriate channel for the PBGC to implement.



