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【学术报告】On the spectrum and Zeta function of a graph

SpeakerProf. Hou Yaoping

          Hunan Normal University

Title:  On the spectrum and Zeta function of a graph

Time21st, Nov., 2020, 16:30

Location数理大楼6楼天元会议室 (线下


In this talk, we present the Ihara zeta function of the cone over a semiregular bipartite graph and show that are cospectral if and only if they have the same Ihara zeta function. We also present the decomposition formulae for the zeta functions of families of graphs obtained through corona-type construction and construct some families of graphs with the same zeta function by the spectra of these graphs. We present relations between the invariants of a graph can be obtained from the partial derivatives at some point of a determinant in terms of its Bartholdi zeta function. 

Speaker Introduction


