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【学术报告】T1 Theorems for Calderón-Zygmund Singular Integral Operators on Lipschitz Spaces

SpeakerProf. Tao Xiangxing

         Zhejiang University of Science & Technology

Title: T1 Theorems for Calderón-Zygmund Singular Integral Operators on Lipschitz Spaces

Time12th, Dec., 2020, 09:00

Location数理大楼661 (线下


David and Journé proved the remarkable T1 theorem which asserts that under some regularity conditions, T is bounded on L^2 if and only if both T1 and T*1, defined appropriately, lie on BMO. By developing the Littlewood–Paley characterization of Lipschitz spaces over metric spaces and establishing a density argument in the weak sense, we give T1 theorems of Calderón–Zygmund operators on the Lipschitz spaces. We will also introduce the T1 theorem of product Calderón–Zygmund singular integral operators introduced by Journé on the product Lipschitz spaces.

Speaker Introduction


