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【系列报告】Boundedness of (ϵ,n)-complements for surfaces

        1. 主讲人:


2. 时间和地点:

·       12月14日,14:00-16:00, 实验楼105

·       12月15日,9:00-11:00, 实验楼103

3. 系列报告摘要:

Shokurov's program, also known as the theory of complements, is introduced by Shokurov when he proved the existence of flips for threefolds. In this talk, I will introduce Shokurov's conjecture on the boundedness of ϵ-log canonical complements, and then show some applications. Next, we go to the boundedness of log canonical complements which is established by Birkar and Han-Liu-Shokurov. Finally, I will give a sketch of the proof of the conjecture for surfaces. This is a joint work with Jingjun Han.

4. 专家简介:

陈国度,北京国际数学研究中心博士生;2016年本科毕业于南开大学,之后师从著名代数几何学家许晨阳教授。曾赴美国麻省理工学院访学2年。陈国度的研究领域是双有理代数几何,关于 Complement 的有界性取得了一系列成果,已在arXiv上发表预印本4篇。

