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【学术报告】(线上)Invariant manifolds of a class of SPDEs


时  间:68日上午10:00

地  点:腾讯会议ID829 736 304(无密码)


In this talk, we present the invariant dynamics of ill-posed stochastic partial differential equations with non-dense domain. Due to the lack of the Hille-Yosida condition, we construct a modified variation of constants formula by the resolvent operator, by which we further estimate the random Stieltjes type convolution. Using the theory of integrated semigroup and the Lyapunov-Perron method, we establish the existence of a center manifold, stable and unstable foliations for such equations with linear multiplicative noise. As for the nonlinear counterpart, we prove the existence of a mean-square random unstable manifold and only a mean-square stable set. Last but not least, we conclude this talk by discussing several possible extensions. This is a joint work with Jianhua Huang and Zonghao Li.


