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【学术报告】(线上)Mathematical models of competition between life cycles of primitive heterogeneous organisms: Evolution of irreversible somatic differentiation


时  间:111日晚上19:30

地  点:腾讯会议ID579 922 4321(无密码)


A key innovation emerging in complex animals is irreversible somatic differentiation: daughters of a vegetative cell perform a vegetative function as well, thus, forming a somatic lineage that can no longer be directly involved in reproduction. Primitive species use a different strategy: vegetative and reproductive tasks are separated in time rather than in space. Starting from such a strategy, how is it possible to evolve life forms which use some of their cells exclusively for vegetative functions? Here, we develop an evolutionary model of development of a simple multicellular organism and find that three components are necessary for the evolution of irreversible somatic differentiation: (i) costly cell differentiation, (ii) vegetative cells that significantly improve the organism’s performance even if present in small numbers, and (iii) large enough organism size. Our findings demonstrate how an egalitarian development typical for loose cell colonies can evolve into germ-soma differentiation dominating metazoans.


高远晓,马克斯-普朗克演化生物学研究所理论系博士后。2010年在洛阳师范学院获得学士学位(数学与应用数学专业),2013年在苏州大学获得硕士学位(基础数学专业),20219月在马克思-普朗克演化生物学研究所获得博士学位(演化理论学专业)。目前主要利用数学模型和博弈论来研究多细胞生物的相关问题:涵盖了从多细胞生物的形成到细胞分化以及生殖过程,相关工作发表在Elife, PLOS Computational Biology等权威杂志。

