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【学术报告】Error estimates of EDG-HDG methods for the Stokes equations with Dirac measures


时  间:511日下午02:30

地  点:厦大海韵园实验楼106报告厅


In this talk, we present and analyze the hybridized, embedded-hybridized and embedded discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Stokes equations with Dirac measures. The velocity, the velocity traces and the pressure traces are approximated by polynomials of degree $k\geq 1$, and the pressure is discretized by polynomials of degree $k-1$. An attractive property, named divergence-free, is satisfied by these methods for the velocity field. Moreover, the velocity fields for hybridized and embedded-hybridized discontinuous Galerkin methods are $H$(div)-conforming, which means that a priori error estimates for the velocity do not depend on the pressure. Using duality argument and Oswald interpolation, a priori and a posteriori error estimates are obtained for the velocity in $L^2$-norm, and a posteriori error estimates for the velocity in $W^{1,q}$-seminorm and the pressure in $L^q$-norm are also derived. Finally, several numerical examples are provided to validate the theoretical analysis and show the performance of the obtained a posteriori error estimators.



