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Fields奖获得者Efim Zelmanov教授应邀参加校庆并做演讲

      应hg8868官方网站的邀请,Fields奖获得者、加利福尼亚大学(圣地亚哥)Efim Zelmanov教授应邀将于4月5日来hg8868官方网站,参加hg8868官方网站90校庆庆典并做公众演讲。

人物名片:Efim Isaakovich Zel教授
Efim Isaakovich Zelmanov (Russian: Ефим Исаакович Зельманов; born 7 September 1955) is a mathematician, known for his work on combinatorial problems in nonassociative algebra and group theory, including his solution of the restricted Burnside problem. He was awarded a Fields Medal at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Zürich in 1994.
Zelmanov was born into a Jewish family in Khabarovsk, Soviet Union (now in Russia). He obtained doctoral degree at Novosibirsk State University in 1980, and a higher degree at Leningrad State University in 1985. He had a position in Novosibirsk until 1987, when he left the Soviet Union.
In 1990 he moved to the United States, becoming a professor at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He was at the University of Chicago in 1994/5, then at Yale University. As of 2002, he is a professor at the University of California, San Diego.[1]
Zelmanov's early work was on Jordan algebras in the case of infinite dimensions. He was able to show that Glennie's identity in a certain sense generates all identities that hold. He then showed that the Engel identity for Lie algebras implies nilpotence, in the case of infinite dimensions.

Lars Ahlfors/Jesse Douglas(1936)·Laurent Schwartz/Atle Selberg(1950)·Kunihiko Kodaira/ Jean-Pierre Serre (1954) · Klaus Roth / René Thom (1958) · Lars Hörmander / John Milnor (1962) · Michael Atiyah / Paul Cohen / Alexander Grothendieck / Stephen Smale (1966) · Alan Baker / Heisuke Hironaka / Sergei Novikov / John G. Thompson (1970) · Enrico Bombieri / David Mumford (1974) · Pierre Deligne / Charles Fefferman / Grigory Margulis / Daniel Quillen (1978) · Alain Connes / William Thurston / Shing-Tung Yau (1982) · Simon Donaldson / Gerd Faltings / Michael Freedman (1986) · Vladimir Drinfel'd / Vaughan Jones / Shigefumi Mori / Edward Witten (1990) · Efim Zelmanov / Pierre-Louis Lions / Jean Bourgain / Jean-Christophe Yoccoz (1994) · Richard Borcherds / Timothy Gowers / Maxim Kontsevich / Curtis T. McMullen (1998) · Laurent Lafforgue / Vladimir Voevodsky (2002) · Andrei Okounkov / Grigori Perelman / Terence Tao / Wendelin Werner (2006) · Elon Lindenstrauss / Ngô Bảo Châu / Stanislav Smirnov / Cédric Villani (2010)